Monday, November 30, 2009

Sippy Cup and Solid Foods

We finally got the approval from the doctors to have solid foods! Collin has high potassium levels so we can only pick from a smaller list, but at least he's eating the food. So far, he really enjoys peaches, green beans and applesauce. The nutritionist at the WIC office also said it would be smart to start him on a sippy cup. I got one that is similar to a bottle to start out and he seems to like it better than a bottle. I snapped a few shots of him today while feeding (which is much harder than I thought!) and he just loved it! Collin really is such a ham and totally knows what is going on when he sees a camera.

Check out the peaches

Sitting up in his bouncer. What a smarty pants :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I know I need to update this blog more often, but I tend to forget or am too busy to do so. So, here are a few pictures of Collin from the past few weeks........ and yes, he is the happiest baby in the world.